35. On February 1,
2016 this matter was brought to the attention of the Civil Courts Subcommittee
by Delegate Vivian Watts of northern Virginia.
After looking at the facts of my case, she agreed that the time has come
to bring transparency to the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners, especially now
that it is operating a computer-based test.
In Richmond, she brought forward House Bill 550, which is to ensure that
all applicants have access to their essays as originally intended by the
Legislature. I was also called as a
witness to the system software failure that took place affecting me and many dozens
of others at the test site who were then told we could not see what impact there
was on our essay answers. Present at the
hearing were the committee members, led by Chairman Greg Habeeb of Southwest
Virginia as well as an audience of Virginia residents. Delegate Habeeb is very public about the need
for transparency and accountability in government.
Delegate Watts spoke first, explaining that the bill
is in line with what 43 of the States are already doing and offers much needed
transparency and accountability in the grading process.
I explained to the committee that I serve as a
magistrate and have since passed the bar in multiple jurisdictions, on the
first attempt, and scored highly. I am
and have always been certain that the essay score I received for the Virginia
Bar Exam was inaccurate and highly likely a result of the system software
malfunction I and numerous others experienced at the test site.
In my statement I first laid out a blow-by-blow
account of what happened at the bar exam with the Board’s software- how it
froze during the saving stage of the essays and how a technician went to work
hands-on but was unable to fix the problem and finally, as a last resort,
instructed me to reboot the system (turn it off and on again) and then save to
a USB thumb drive without looking at the essays. One of the delegates blurted out, “You should
have filed for an injunction!” I later
went into my legal case and so he was able to find out that is exactly what I
did do.
I then provided each member a chart of all the States
that do allow access as well as a personal letter [see letter below] addressed
to the committee and written by an applicant in another jurisdiction who
experienced the same thing we did here in Virginia. The difference was that he was able to obtain
his essays by right. When he got them,
he discovered portions were missing, and indeed, one answer response was
completely erased. His answers were graded
as if those were his complete answers.
Since 48 others who obtained their essays after his test had similar
observations of erased material, this forced a corrective process in the state
of New York not previously in existence.
Importantly, prior to the applicants obtaining their essays they were
reassured by the Board that they need not be concerned and that their complete
answers were received. No so.
The delegates were additionally provided with a
20-page expert report submitted in support of my case. Dr. Stephen Castell, a leading computer
forensics expert who has testified in high dollar cases for companies such as
Motorola, Citibank, and Harvard Securities PLC, on both the Plaintiff and
Defense side, was able to form a conclusion that, given what happened at the
test site (and still does in the most
recent exams from what I am told by multiple sources), my concerns were
well justified. Further, he says there
is no way for the Board to properly investigate without including the
applicants, the actual writers of the essays, in the review. As he says, “they [the Board] may have a very
serious problem on their hands and not even know it.” In other words, all of the tests of those
affected remain unsolved mysteries.
Just last year ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc., the sister
software company to the one that Virginia uses (Extegrity) was sued in a class
action by the applicants for software failures at a test site in another
jurisdiction, resulting in a multi-million dollar settlement. See Case No. 1:14-cv-22950. Protecting the software company may be one
reason for the lack of cooperation with Virginia bar applicants who are falling
prey to system software malfunctions and who notice a significant scoring
discrepancy in how they believed they performed on the test.
Finally, I shared some research with the committee I
conducted on the history of Va. Code Section 54.1-3929, which since 1919 has required
the Board to preserve the essays for one year.
Sure enough, I discovered that prior to 1973 applicants in Virginia were,
in fact, able to have access to their essays, which was the fundamental
reasoning behind requiring the Board to preserve them for a year. Sometime after 1978 the language pertaining
to the right of access was removed, leaving an absurd result of the Board being
still required to preserve the essays but the applicants left unable to access
them, even in the most compelling circumstances. This paradox lays the groundwork for the
ongoing violation of Due Process in the Commonwealth of Virginia for anyone who
has a legitimate dispute with the Board.
The very evidence that is needed, i.e. the essays, is being withheld in
order to prevent a fair hearing.
I left them with this: even if the right to access the
essays was for the sole purpose of allowing applicants to be able to prepare
and improve the next time, is that not good enough reason alone to get rid of
the blanket rule that no applicant can access their essays?
The new Secretary of the Board, Catherine Hill, spoke
against the bill. She cited to a lot of
statistics about the pass rates, etc. which really were beside the point for
the most part. She decided not to
address any of the computer forensics evidence and simply argued for the status
quo, which she argued was working just fine.
When asked by Chairman Habeeb if she has looked into this problem, she
said yes and said vaguely that there was no problem found. There should have been a follow-up question
as to how did you look into it and
what technical expertise was brought to bear in any supposed review of the
situation. Instead, in response to the actual
follow-up question of whether there have been any statistical anomalies over
the years, she simply said no.
Besides these softball questions, there unfortunately
wasn’t much in the way of critical analysis.
Any semblance of rigorous debate to get at the truth of this was wholly
lacking. Either the committee was ill
equipped to handle a matter of this complexity or there was a simple deference
to a government agency (many of them are licensed by the Board).
Whatever the case may be, the committee tabled the
issue from any further consideration this year.
At the end, Chairman Habeeb told the Board (which showed up as a team)
they “really do not want us legislating this so make sure that people are
happy.” Folks in the audience could be
heard in agreement with that statement.
But, as we joked at the hearing, we all know that
Virginia is usually the last to change.
Here was Virginia’s opportunity to do something right for the People,
but passed up the opportunity.
January 30, 2016
CommitteeGeneral Assembly Building
201 N. 9th Street
Richmond, VA 23219
I sat for the bar exam, there were wide-spread problems with the exam software
that was used. In my testing location, a
great many people were affected by the software glitches. Later we learned that these problems occurred
exam software froze twice while I was taking the exam. As I was typing my first essay, the software
froze and a technician came to assist.
The technician restarted my laptop, which I did not think was a good
idea, but eventually got the software running again. I then completed the first essay and moved on. As I was half way through the second essay,
the software crashed again. A technician
came and advised me that he could take my laptop to a table in the back of the
exam room and work on it. I glanced back
to see a table in the rear corner of the room with computer technicians,
equipment, and anxious test-takers- a veritable computer triage area.
that point, I told the technician to give me an answer booklet. I completed the remainder of the second essay
and finished the exam on paper, the old-fashioned way. At the end of the day, we were instructed to
transfer our files on a thumb drive and upload them. At the conclusion of the test, I spoke with
the technicians and the head proctor who advised me that the software had a
“backup system” and that no data would be lost.
I believe that I even received an email confirmation from the software
company that they had received my test responses.
when the exam results were released, I was told I failed by four points. At that time, in New York, test-takers who
failed were allowed to request copies of their answers. After I received the copies of my essays, I
discovered that my response to the first essay written on the computer was
incomplete and that the first half of my response to the second essay (which I
had typed on my computer) was completely missing.
New York does not allow appeals of the test results, I contacted the Board of
Law Examiners and explained that significant portions of my responses were
missing and explained the software malfunctions that had occurred. Several weeks later, the Board of Law
Examiners informed me that they had done some sort of “review” and were able to
locate the missing portions of my essays.
My essays were re-graded and I was informed that I did, in fact, pass
the bar exam.
is important to note that if New York did not allow an applicant who failed to
request and review their essays, I would never have discovered (or been able to
prove) that the graders did not have my complete answers and that the software
malfunction had resulted in the loss of significant portions of my essay
responses. The ability to review my
answers was truly life-changing for me- it meant that I did not have to sit for
the bar exam again and I was able to be sworn in on admission day with my peers
and begin my career.
is why I write in support of H.B. 550, which I believe will protect the
interests of the applicants. I believe
that it is only fair that applicants have access to their responses, especially
if they need to prepare to retake the examination.
I can be of assistance to your committee, please feel free to contact me if you
have any questions.
Anthony Zeni
Keep up the good work, and stay positive! There's no good reason for them withholding the answers on the first test.